George in my office has a vest he wears every day. It is ratty and greasy and full of holes, but he wears it Every. Damn. Day. He bought it in Ireland twenty years ago, and has never found a replacement. He asked if I could mend it, but it was beyond recovery. In the end, he had me knit him a new one.

Ye Olde Irish Veste
Knitpicks Merino style nutmeg, approximately 5 skeins (600 yds)
1 US 11 20-inch circular needle
1 US 7 50-inch circular needle*
1 US 7 20-inch circular needle
2 US & dpns
Tapestry needle
3 wooden toggles
18 sts = 4 in. long
13 sts = 4 in. wide
Using larger needles, CO 86 sts. Work in stockinette until work measures 16 inches from the beginning, ending with a WS (knit side) row.
Shape armhole: BO 5 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Next row: purl one row.
Next row (WS): k2, ssk, k to last 4 sts, k2tog, k2.
Repeat these two rows 4X more.
Continue in stockinette until work measures 25 inches, ending with a WS row. Purl 19 sts, BO next 27 sts, purl to end.
Left shoulder:
Row 1 (WS): BO 5 sts, K to end.
Row 2: P2, p2tog, p to end.
Row 3: BO 6 sts, k to end.
Row 4: p2, p2tog, p to end.
BO remaining sts.
Right shoulder:
Reattach yarn.
Row 1 (RS): BO 5 sts, p to last 4 sts, p2tog, p2.
Row 2 (WS): k all sts
Row 3: BO 6 sts, p to last 4 sts, p2tog, p2.
Row 4: k all sts
BO remaining sts.
Left Front:
Using larger needles, CO 30 sts. Work in stockinette until work measures 16 inches, ending with a WS row.
Armhole and neckline:
Row 1 (RS): BO 3 sts, p to last 4 sts, p2tog, p2.
Row 2: k all sts
Row 3: BO 3 sts, p to end
Row 4: k all sts.
Row 5: p2, p2tog, p to last 4 sts, p2tog, p2
Row 6: k all sts
Row 7: p all sts
Row 8: k all sts
Row 9: p to last 4 sts, p2tog, p2
Repeat rows 6-9 5X more.
Row 1 (WS): k all sts
Row 2: BO 4 sts, p to end
Row 3: k all sts
Row 4: BO 4 sts, p to end
Row 5: k all sts
BO remaining sts.
Right Front:
Repeat as for left front, reversing all shaping.
Sew shoulder seams. Sew side seams.
Using smaller needle, with WS facing, pick up sts evenly--and loosely--around entire edge of garment.
Join to begin working in the round, p 1 row. Continue in purl st for 2 inches. BO all sts in the following manner: p2, sl 2 sts to left needle, p2tog, *p1, sl 2 sts to left needle, p2tog. Repeat from * until all sts are bound off.
*Alternatively, you could use a circular needle with a shorter cord, and do this in rows and in stages, sewing the edges together.
Repeat this process for both armholes.
Block well.
Button Loops:
Using size 7 dpns, CO 5 sts. Work an i-cord until length = 4 in. BO all sts. Make 3.
Sew onto vest as shown in photo, or wherever feels comfortable.
Sew on toggles opposite loops.
Weave in all ends.